Do You Want To Sell Cosmetics?

"I didn't realize how simple it was to make money selling AVON. I basically left books around with my name and number and the orders started coming in. It was really that easy for me."

Diana Perez, Avon Independent Sales Representative

Read Diana's Story 

Six Reasons Why I Sell AVON

Here are some great reasons to become an AVON representative right now. It only takes $10.00 to get started, but it might just be a new way of life. If after viewing these steps you still aren't sure, just complete the form below and an I will contact you.


By making up to 50% commission, you can earn a full-time income or simply supplement your family's income. With AVON the opportunities are unlimited.


Schedule when you work, how long you work and how far you advance. This is your business and you are the boss.


Selling Avon is a hands-on experience that will strengthen your skills and increase your market value. AVON has both people and resources to help you develop your AVON business  free of charge. 


For Avon, customer satisfaction is a way of life, and millions of consumers trust our products to be the best quality money can buy. Avon stands behind every product sold — period.


Avon is the only direct selling company to have District Sales Managers. These are Avon Professionals who are in the field to train, develop and mentor you — the Avon Representative. They are here to help you to succeed.

No Barriers

There are no barriers to become an AVON Representative. All you have to do is have the desire to be your own boss and take the next step by signing up.

Now take the next step!

Go to my Avon Site and request information from the link in the center of the page.